Who we are
We are an interdisciplinary and cross institutional team of academics, educators and students who have come together to develop a VR scenario and anti-bias training that can help make school a more inclusive place.

Associate Professor Frauke Meyer
Principal Investigator
Frauke’s research examines school improvement, leadership, and interpersonal leadership practices to improve equity in outcomes. She focuses on organisational coherence and system implementation to achieve trust and collective responsibility to improve outcomes for all learners. Her research and teaching on interpersonal leadership practices highlight the impact of bias in daily interactions.

Dr Jo Smith
Principal Investigator
Jo began her career as an English and ESL teacher at an Islamic secondary school in Melbourne, Australia, where she saw first-hand the detrimental effects of teacher bias on student outcomes. Students’ school experiences are affected by, and a reaction to, the institutional patterns of culture and values, power imbalances, and political and economic systems that serve to hinder or enable school success. Building on her experiences, Jo’s research employs a systems-level theory of education to explore the links between education policy, leadership, and the improvement of schools and school systems.

Professor Christine Rubie-Davies | MNZM
Christine Rubie-Davies is a Professor of Education at the University of Auckland. She is the world leader on high expectation teaching and teachers who have high expectations for all students. Christine is interested in how teacher beliefs and practices increase or decrease expectation effects and primarily focuses on teacher expectation effects for disadvantaged groups, particularly Māori. She is a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit, a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, of the American Psychological Association and of the Association for Psychological Science. Christine has been recognised as among the top 2% of education researchers globally.

Dr Hana O’Regan | Ngāi Tahu | ONZM
Hana is Tumu Whakarae of Tātai Aho Rau | Core Education, bringing 30 years of expertise working with her people and many organisations to advocate for and lead indigenous language revitalisation and education responses to inequities that Māori and other groups experience. Her mahi on The Waitangi Tribunal and other inquires means she deeply understands the impact of embedded and enduring system inequities on the lives of New Zealanders.

Dr Pam O’Connell
Pam is the Research and Design Lead at Tātai Aho Rau. She brings an extensive background in education with roles in professional learning design, policy development, executive leadership and research. She draws on the extensive relationships and experiences that these roles have provided to be critically conscious of the complex barriers to educational equity. Currently she works alongside Māori as a community-led researcher, with a particular focus on equity design for impact.

Dr Georgia Rudd
Research Fellow
Georgia is passionate about promoting the wellbeing and development of young people, employing strengths-based approaches to address social and educational inequities. A key focus of her work is highlighting the significant role that researchers play in shaping the research process and outcomes and therefore the importance of researcher reflexivity and criticality for conducting ethical and meaningful research.

Roseanna Baker | Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi, toke-enua no Enuamanu
Research Assistant
I’m a doctoral candidate who identifies as Aotearoa wahine Māori, Atiuan and Japanese. Focusing on the Māori concept ‘tohu’ (signs, omens and extra-rational proofs), and how it is described in whakapapa kōrero, my research considers how our Indigenous ontological practices, such as tohu, challenge what counts as methodology and method. My research is influenced by kaupapa Māori and decolonial approaches and reflects my interest in the inter-relational aspect between research, policy and practice and the impact on Indigenous research.
As a research assistant on this project, I contribute a unique Māori English-medium primary teacher and researcher perspective. I fluidly navigate research, theory and the pragmatic potential benefits of this project resource in a contemporary classroom/school setting.

Melina Marama Amos | Kāi Tahu
Research Assistant
Melina is a doctoral student at the University of Auckland. She lectures in the BEd programme, including courses in Te Ao Māori. Melina’s doctoral research is on Kura Kaupapa graduate’s student mathematical identity in tertiary STEM and how kura kaupapa Māori supports learners to develop a positive mathematics identity. She is interested in exploring the socio-cultural perspectives of whānau Māori, kura and raukura can support tamariki in pāngarau.

Professor Robert Amor
Prof Amor undertakes research in the field of Construction Informatics, with a passion for the application of beneficial computer science techniques to the Architectural, Engineering and Construction industries. Achieving interoperability is his core research interest and to achieve this he investigates integrated environments which covers information modelling (e.g., BIM), digital twins, code compliance checking, AI, process modelling, user interaction, VR/AR, implementation frameworks, information mapping, and communication strategies.
The team would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Liuning Yang, Sharron Fabish and Celia Paul.

Carrie Wang
Summer Scholar
Carrie Wang is a Summer Research Scholar and a Bachelor of Education (Primary) student at the University of Auckland. She is passionate about creating meaningful changes for young learners facing implicit or explicit racial discrimination in educational settings. To achieve this, Carrie is exploring how to use strengths-based and culturally responsive approaches to facilitate the team in promoting inclusivity and equity in schools. Her focus in this project is to supporting educators to recognize and address biases, fostering safe and empowering learning environments for all students.

Daniel Eir
Summer Scholar
Daniel Eir is a Summer Research Scholar and a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) student specialising in Software Engineering at The University of Auckland. Passionate about using technology to approach challenges differently and improve efficiency, he strives to create impactful and meaningful changes. His focus in this project explores physiological measures to assess engagement with Virtual Reality, advancing innovative tools for empathy-building and bias reduction.

Tātai Aho Rau, Core Education
Tātai Aho Rau, Core Education are a professional services company founded on the charitable purpose of advancing education through learning. Their team supports clients with their professional learning needs – through facilitated learning, programmes and webinars, resource development, and community-led research projects. Key team members Dr Hana O’Regan and Dr Pam O’Connell are a part of Tātai Aho Rau, Core Education.

Māui Studios
Māui Studios is a kaupapa Māori production studio that develops digital content grounded in mātauranga Māori, tikanga and tīpuna values for local and global audiences. Māui Studios have provided us with the technical expertise required to develop the virtual reality scenario that will be experienced by participants as part of the anti-bias training.

Centre for e-Research
The Centre for eResearch supports and enables researchers across the University of Auckland community through a range of services and capabilities, including research data services, advanced research compute options, visualisation and immersive technologies, customised solutions delivered in partnership with researchers, digital research skills workshops, and by leading University strategic projects. The Centre for eResearch has provided us with the specialised virtual reality head mounted displays required to deliver the virtual reality scenario.